WP-SimplyHired API WP-SimplyHired API

WP-SimplyHired API

Created by: Webstractions Web Development

Downloaded: 4k times

Host your own job board powered by the SimplyHired API. This plugin allows users to search for jobs, browse jobs by location and/or keyword, get possibly related jobs through a recommendation algorithm, and link directly to each job.


  • Admin options for publisher id, jobboard url (needed for click-tracking)
  • Admin global option to filter all results within top-level O*NET category
  • Job widget with options for title, number of results, query, location, etc.
  • Job widget includes option for Post a Job button.
  • O*NET support for niche enhancement
  • Job search pages include pagination and location filtering.
  • SimplyHired click-tracking javascript in page footers, with debug option.
  • SimplyHired attribution PER terms of agreement to use API.

** ONET Support **
Set a broad O
NET classification to narrow your niche in the settings. All searches will pull from this classification. For example, to pull results from computer jobs, use ONET code of 15-10

Some ONET codes are not supported by the SimplyHired API such as Web Developers ONET 15-1099 and will return an error result. Backing up the chain to 15-10 finally sends valid results. Adjust this code as necessary.

** Shortcode Support **
Job search pages created using shortcode syntax with attributes for query, location, onet, page, radius, etc. ). Create niche targeted directories and sub-directories using normal WordPress pages.

shortcode syntax: [joblist query=”keywords” location=”city, state, or zip”]

The query attribute is required, where the location attribute is not. Other attributes will be available, such as onet, radius, type(ft, pt, seasonal, etc.), listing style, and whatever else will be helpful.

Roadmap Features:

  • Full job search through the SimplyHired API. Browse by company, by keyword, by location, or search with any keyword / location combination.
  • Retrieve job details for individual jobs.
  • Customization of permalink structure for complete SEO control (future).

  • RSS feeds for jobs (future).

NOTE: This plugin is a constant state of development and new features are being introduced at a rapid pace. View the implemented vs. roadmap features above for more information.

See the plugin homepage for more information and latest details.

Demonstration of current and future plugin features visit Construction Jobs at Buildz.net for live example.


  • Screenshot of a job listing page using ONET = 15-10* and a query of "web+developers"
  • To find your Publisher Id, first log into the Advanced tab on your Blog-a-matic Partner Dashboard. Your Publisher ID is half-way down the page labeled <strong>pshid</strong>


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