WP Subtitle WP Subtitle

WP Subtitle

Created by: Ben Huson, Husani Oakley

Downloaded: 466k times

The WP Subtitle plugin allows your pages and posts to contain a subtitle. Also called a sub-heading, this this short line of text is meant to appear beneath a post’s (or page’s) title, but can be inserted in your template wherever you choose.

The subtitle can be inserted into your theme template files (or plugin) using the following API:

Display The Subtitle

All parameters are optional. If ‘post_id’ is omitted then the current post ID in the loop is used.

PHP Code:

do_action( 'plugins/wp_subtitle/the_subtitle', array(
    'before'        => '<p class="subtitle">',
    'after'         => '</p>',
    'post_id'       => get_the_ID(),
    'default_value' => ''
) );


<p class="subtitle">My Post Subtitle</p>

Get The Subtitle

All parameters are optional. If ‘post_id’ is omitted then the current post ID in the loop is used.

A default value can be supplied as the second parameter for apply_filters. This will be used if the post does not have a subtitle. Leave as an empty string to return an empty string if the post does not have a subtitle.

PHP Code:

$subtitle = apply_filters( 'plugins/wp_subtitle/get_subtitle', '', array(
    'before'  => '<p class="subtitle">',
    'after'   => '</p>',
    'post_id' => get_the_ID()
) );


$subtitle = '<p class="subtitle">My Post Subtitle</p>'


The array of arguments accepted for the plugins/wp_subtitle/the_subtitle action and plugins/wp_subtitle/get_subtitle filter are:

(string) Text to place before the subtitle if one exists. Defaults to an empty string.

(string) Text to place after the subtitle if one exists. Defaults to to an empty string.

(integer) Post, page or custom post type ID.

(string) Only used by the plugins/wp_subtitle/the_subtitle action, allows you to specify a default subtitle to display if the post does not have one. For the plugins/wp_subtitle/get_subtitle filter the second parameter of apply_filters should be used instead. Defaults to to an empty string.

Post Type Support

By default, subtitle are supported by both posts and pages. To add support for custom post types add teh following to your theme functions file or plugin:

add_post_type_support( 'my_post_type', 'wps_subtitle' )

WooCommerce Plugin Support

Subtitles can automatically be added to your WooCommerce products without needing to make template changes. In the admin go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products where you can choose to:

  • Enable Product Subtitles
  • Display the subtitle on single product pages
  • Display the subtitle on product archives (category pages)

Yoast SEO and SEOPress Plugin Support

The plugin allows you to include the subtitle in your meta titles and descriptions via the Yoast SEO and SEOPress plugins.

Similar to the Yoast %%title%% placeholder which inserts the post title, you can use %%wps_subtitle%%.

There are also addition placeholders and filters to allow to to customize seperators for the subtitle.

For more information, view the SEO support documentation here.


  • Edit post screen (WordPress 5.0+ and WP Title 3.1+)
  • Edit post screen (WordPress 3.5+ and WP Title 2.2+)
  • Edit post screen (for earlier versions of WordPress or using the 'wps_subtitle_use_meta_box' filter)
  • A single page showing a subtitle


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