WP Support Ticket WP Support Ticket

WP Support Ticket

Created by: aviplugins.com

Downloaded: 12k times

Use this plugin to create your very own customer support system. Let customers of your site to generate a support ticket whenever they require assistance from you, and you will be able to solve their issues by posting replies to the tickets. The customers will get email notifications when you post a reply message to the ticket.

  • Registered Users / Customers can create support tickets.
  • Customers can search tickets from tickets list.
  • Admin can reply on support tickets from admin panel.
  • Files can be attached to the reply messages. Supported files that can be uploaded are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, doc, docx, pdf, zip ( Multiple files can be attached in the PRO version with option to select which type of files can be uploaded. )
  • Ticket can be marked as Open / Closed / Resolved from admin panel. If a customer post a reply in the Resolved ticket the status of the ticket will be changed to Open.

Usage Shortcodes

  • [create_support] to display cretate new suppor ticket form.
  • [ticket] to display tickets created by logged in user.
  • [ticket_search] to display ticket search form.

WP Support (PRO)

There is a PRO version of this plugin that supports additional features. You can get it here in USD 2.00

  • Administrators can post replies by logging in to admin panel. Additionally a new user role Agent will be created. Administraton can assign this role to the support agents so that they can login to the admin panel and reply to the support tickets. Agents will have limited access (Only Support Ticket Section) of the admin panel.
  • Multiple files can be attached with new tickets and ticket replies.
  • Create Custom Fields in the ticket form.
  • Create Support Ticket (Widget).
  • Support Ticket List (Widget). To list recent/ specific tickets in the widget area.
  • Additional file types are supported in the PRO version. Set supported file types from admin panel.
  • Manage email contents from admin panel. Emails that are fired when a new ticket is created or admin posts a reply.
  • Option to list all support tickets submitted by users. So that visitors can view tickets and replies.
  • Set custom name for the administrator.
  • Advanced ticket search.

Post your plugin related queries at https://www.aviplugins.com/support.php


  • Support tickets listing in admin panel.
  • Ticket edit page admin panel.
  • Create support ticket front end.
  • Search ticket front end.
  • Support tickets listing front end.
  • Settings view 1
  • Settings view 2
  • Admin Panel Notification
  • Frontend Notification


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