WP-SWFObject WP-SWFObject


Created by: Jim Penaloza Calixto

Downloaded: 147k times

This plugin enable insert flash movies into WordPress using SWFObject with simple quicktag [swf][/swf] .


  • Easy install and easy use on content and widgets
  • Insert Flash movie with simple shortcode
  • Panel for easy configuration
  • Allow config flash player version required
  • Allow config message for iPhone Browser
  • Support FlashVars param
  • Support FullScreen param
  • Generate <object> code for RSS and iPhone compatibility
  • Select version of SWFObject (1.5 or 2.0)
  • Allow insert SWFObject from Google AJAX Libraries API
  • Detect iPhone Browser to show message o link for Youtube Videos
  • Easy integration with Youtube videos
  • Support for show Loading image

To insert swf into post content or text widget use:

[swf]movie.swf, width, heigth[/swf]

To insert swf with flashvars use:

[swf]movie.swf, width, heigth, var1=val1&var2=val2[/swf]

To insert swf on template, use the php code:

<?php wp_swfobject_echo("movie.swf", "width", "heigth"); ?>

To insert swf with flashvars on template, use the php code:

<?php wp_swfobject_echo("movie.swf", "width", "heigth", "var1=val1&var2=val2"); ?>

For more information visit plugin website


  • Install and Activate plugin is easy.
  • Config panel for WP-SWFObject.


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