WP Twitter Threads WP Twitter Threads

WP Twitter Threads

Created by: Xuan NGUYEN

Downloaded: 738 times

  • Create Twitter API key & secret at https://developer.twitter.com.
  • Put them in WPTT admin page and validate.
  • Copy the URL of the first tweet of your Twitter Thread.
  • Paste this one in the dedicated field of the WordPress Post Edit page.
  • Submit.

That’s all.

You’ve just import all the tweets of the thread as a post.

Page dedicated to this plugin : https://www.wp-tw-threads.com

You can contact me :

  • My blog: https://xuxu.fr/contact
  • My website : https://www.xuan-nguyen.fr
  • My Twitter account: https://twitter.com/xuxu


  • get your Twitter API Consumer Key and Secret
  • set them in the WP TW Threads Settings
  • copy the URL of the first Tweet of the Thread
  • paste it in the field of the meta dedicated in your post edit page
  • that's all!
  • your post published
  • if you got hashtags, in your tweets, post tags will be created
  • images, and Retweet are embed
  • video (and gif) are embed too
  • it works with Classical Editor


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