Violet Custom Post Meta Violet Custom Post Meta

Violet Custom Post Meta

Created by: Rakib Hossain

Downloaded: 593 times

To avoid plugin territory warning for CPT and Meta Boxes, This is a great choice for you. Violet Custom Post Meta adds necessary CPT, Meta, Texonomy to develop awesome portfolio theme.

Post Types:

  • services
  • skill
  • portfolio
  • testimonial
  • team
  • partner

Note that this plugin function can be modify as your choice by filter Hooks.

Hook Lists :

vcpm_{post_type}_params //to modify post type args.
vcpm_portfolio_category_params //to modify portfolio texonomy.
vcpm_meta_fields_{post_type} //provides ability to add, remove, modify meta fields.
vcpm_meta_box //Provides ability to create, delete and modify meta box.
vcpm_meta_fields_control //Fields styte, presentation can be modify.


  • Supports input type text, radio, checkbox, range.
  • Portfolio Category and Image picker.
  • Field type checkbox, radio.
  • Field type select option.
  • General meta box register args.


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