WP Vue by Shaanz WP Vue by Shaanz

WP Vue by Shaanz

Created by: Sharun John

Downloaded: 869 times

You can opt for development as well as production for individual post types
You can globally set an option by going through Settings –> WP Vue.


  • Ability to manage loading VueJS on individual pages/posts or even any custom post types.
  • Ability to overide the individual settings with global settings.
  • overide global settings on a page/posts/custom post types if it i not forced globally.

    If there is global settings set as ‘None’, ‘Development’, ‘Production’ and has ticked the force load, all pages,
    posts or custom post types front pages will have the respective global setting.
    If it is not forced, page settings will have the preference over global settings.


  • Global settings in Settings--> WP Vue

<li>Global settings option</li></ol>
  • WP Vue settings in the bottom sidebar on an individual page


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