WP Year End Stats WP Year End Stats

WP Year End Stats

Created by: Sudar

Downloaded: 4k times

Displays fancy stats about your blog which you can include in your year end review posts.

Requires PHP 5.3 or higher. Will not work in PHP 5.2.x


The plugin currently supports the following stats

  • Total number of posts per year
  • Total number of comments per year
  • Total number of words written per year
  • Average length of posts per year


You can use the following shortcode to display stats in your blog.

`[yes_stats type="post_num" start_year="2004" end_year="2014" range="to" post_type="post" post_status="publish" title="Title of the graph" height="500" width="500" ] ```

The yes_stats shortcode can have the following attributes

  • type – The type of graph. The following are the allowed values.
    • post_num – Number of posts by year (default)
    • comment_num – Number of posts by year
    • post_avg_length – Average length of posts by year
    • post_totoal_length – Total length of posts by year
  • start_year – The first year for the graph (default: current year)
  • end_year – The last year for the graph (default: current year)
  • range – How the years should be treated. Possible values are to (default) and and
  • post_type – The post type for which the graph should be generated (default: post)
  • post_status – The post status for which the graph should be generated (default: publish)
  • title – Title for the graph
  • height – Height of the graph (Default: 500px)
  • width – Width of the graph (Default: 500px)


The following are the features that I am thinking of adding to the Plugin, when I get some free time. If you have any feature request or want to increase the priority of a particular feature, then let me know.

  • Add more stats
  • Make the graphs more configurable
  • Cache the stats


  • If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request, then post them in github issues
  • If you have a question about usage or need help to troubleshoot, then post in WordPress forums or leave a comment in plugins’s home page
  • If you like the Plugin, then kindly leave a review/feedback at WordPress repo page.
  • If you find this Plugin useful or and wanted to say thank you, then there are ways to make me happy 🙂 and I would really appreciate if you can do one of those.
  • Checkout other WordPress Plugins that I have written
  • If anything else, then contact me in twitter.


The pot file is available with the Plugin. If you are willing to do translation for the Plugin,
use the pot file to create the .po files for your language and let me know.


Readme Generator

This Readme file was generated using wp-readme, which generates readme files for WordPress Plugins.


  • <p>The above screenshot shows the "Number of Posts by year" graph.</p>
  • <p>The above screenshot shows the "Number of Comments by year" graph.</p>
  • <p>The above screenshot shows the "Average length of posts by year" graph.</p>
  • <p>The above screenshot shows the "Total length of posts by year" graph.</p>


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