WP4Labs WP4Labs


Created by: Philipp Franck

Downloaded: 990 times

  • Use WordPress 3.1 – Older Versions will cause trouble

WP4Labs is a small Plugin, wich provides some functions to manange a lab or a scientific group. I designed it for the websites of two Biolabs. It’s far away from being my first WP-Plugin, but it’s the first one I want to publish. I tested it in four or five WP-installtions on dofferent servers, and it seems to all OK.

It provides the following parts:
– An advanced User Profile, containing some fields for academic career dates
– in connection with that a connection to the ariw.org-database of scientific institutions wordl wide, to make it easer finding a specific institution and it’s URL
– the possibility to manage users in academic groups, such as Alumni, Post-Doc, P.I. and such (customizable)
– a local-avatar function which maintains the possibility for users to use a Gravatar (maybe someday I should take this one out and make a own plugin out of it)
– a post-type called ‘project’, to which you can connect users to (scientific) groups. Only users with P.I.-status (for being leader of the group) can add or remove users.

A nice backend integration is built, I also ship some example templates to learn, how to integrate the provided functions to your theme.


For your template, build the following templates:
archive-biofoo_project.php – This gives an overview of the existing projects.
single-biofoo_project.php – Watch a single project.

Also you can edit your author.php to display the additional information.

The plugin contains some useful functions building these templates:
= get_biofoo();
Throw a from get_userinfo (not get_users!) or such into it, to get the advanced profile information.

ba_degree or $user->ma_degree) or $user->phd_degree) : ?>

ba_degree) : ?>B.A.ba_degree; ?>
ma_degree) : ?>M.A.ma_degree; ?>
phd_degree) : ?>Ph.D.phd_degree; ?>

echo_project_members(, , )

Displays (or returns) alls members of a project:

The Id of a post with type biofoo_project. Instead of a post_id you may use the string keyword ‘all’ to get all users of the blog.

Default: boxes.
Knows the following styles:
* ‘longlist’ -> All members below each other with avatar and academic information.
* ‘boxes’ -> Boxes with
* ‘text’ -> The names of all members in a line as clickable links.
* ‘return’ -> Displays nothing but returns an array with the members of the project.

Default: true

If set to false, users, which are in passive user groups like alumni are not displayed.

Displays the leading members (P.I.s) of a project.

function list_users_projects()
Displays a list of projects, a user is member of.

Update Log

* Renamed file and folder to wp4labs.


  • The advanced user profile
  • Adding a new Project
  • The frontend of a Project may look like this
  • The frontend of the user list may look like that


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