The Code to Text Ratio represents the percentage of actual text in a web page. This plugin extracts the text of all your pages and posts from HTML code and calculates the content ratio based on this information.

Why is it important?

The code to text ratio of a page is used by search engines and spiders to calculate the relevancy of a web page. A higher code to text ratio gives you a better chance of getting a good page ranking for your page.

Not all search engines are using the code to text ratio in their index algorithm, but most of them do. So having a higher code to text ratio than your competitors gives you a good start for on-site optimization.

% Ratios and meanings:

  • 0% – 10%: Consider adding more content or revamping your code.
  • 10% – 25%: Content is moderate, but always room to improve.
  • 25% – 70%: Generally good, but don’t over do it.
  • 70% – 100%: If you’ve got higher than about 70% or so then you’ve got a lot of text and not a lot of code, which might sound like a good thing, but could represent spam too.

Ways to lower the amount of code on a web page

  • Use CSS layouts instead of table-based layouts.
  • Put CSS and Javascript into external files.
  • Take out tags that have no purpose.
  • Use valid code. After all, a page scoring 25% which works everywhere is usually better than one which scores 50% but fails in most browsers.
  • Write more text on your posts.


  • WPCode Content Ratio > Purpouse and home ratio detail
  • WPCode Content Ratio > Config page


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