Easiest Funnel Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce by WPFunnels Easiest Funnel Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce by WPFunnels

Easiest Funnel Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce by WPFunnels

Created by: WPFunnels Team

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πŸ‘₯ Lead Generator πŸ’° Sales Funnel Builder πŸ›οΈ eCommerce Funnel Builder πŸŽ“ Course Funnel Builder

Create high-converting lead funnels and sales funnels within WordPress using the easiest visual funnel builder – WPFunnels.

A Reliable Funnel Builder To Generate Leads In WordPress

Craft high-converting landing pages along with opt-in forms to generate leads.

βœ… Well-designed landing pages
βœ… Built-in opt in form.
βœ… Easily send leads to Mail Mint
βœ… Active lead nurturing & conversion
(with help from Mail Mint)

Use WPFunnels (along with Mail Mint) to start growing and converting your leads on autopilot.

The Best Sales Funnel Builder To Increase Revenue

Use a visual canvas to plan a complete sales funnel journey and leverage exclusive features which include:

βœ… Conversion-optimized templates
βœ… Custom landing pages
βœ… Optimized checkout pages
βœ… Exclusive discounts
βœ… Order bumps at the checkout
βœ… One click upsell offers after checkout (Pro)
βœ… Conditional funnel steps & offers (Pro)
βœ… Email automation campaigns (via Mail Mint integration) (Pro)
βœ… Detailed funnel analytics (Pro)
βœ… WooCommerce checkout customizer (Pro)
βœ… Conditional funnel for WooCommerce shop (Pro)
βœ… Dynamic upsells for WooCommerce (Pro)
and many more.

You can easily craft a sales funnel journey that is built to boost your revenue with high AOV.

No matter what type of funnel you want to create – sales funnels to offer services, course funnels, tripwire funnels, SLO funnels, WooCommerce sales funnels, etc. – WPFunnels will make it easy for you.

πŸ‘‰ Documentation | πŸ‘‰ Video Tutorials | πŸ‘‰ Join our Facebook Community

πŸ’₯ Why Use WPFunnels πŸ’₯

WPFunnels is the easiest funnel builder for WordPress & WooCommerce to help you create complete sales funnels easily, on your own, within minutes.

It is specially built for digital creators (such as online coaches, educators, trainers, course creators, etc.), entrepreneurs, and marketers like yourself to create optimized funnel journeys that will help you generate more leads and sales.

You will get everything you need to automate your sales process and stay in control of every stage of the buyer’s journey.

βœ… Easy Lead Generation
Build lead generation funnels, collect & segment leads, and run automated email campaigns easily.

βœ… Features Focused On Revenue Growth
Use key features such as order bumps, upsells, exclusive discounts, and automated coupons to increase revenue growth.

βœ… Streamlined Marketing Automation
Easily set up a complete funnel journey with necessary pages and automated email campaigns to maximize conversions.

βœ… Analytics For Data-Driven Optimizations
Getting detailed analytics & intuitive A/B testing options for every step of a funnel to track performance and optimize for results.

It’s really easy to get started:

  1. Plan Your Lead Funnel or Sales Funnel Journey On A Visual Canvas
  2. Design Your Funnel Steps Using Your Preferred Page Builder
  3. Set Up Email Automation To Nurture Leads And Convert Customers (with the help of Mail Mint)
  4. Launch Your Campaign And Reach Your Target Audience
  5. Start Getting Leads & Sales On Autopilot.

Watch how Darrel Wilson used WPFunnels to create sales funnels:

🌟 A Complete Funnel Building Solution Within WordPress 🌟

No need to use multiple tools to create or track your funnels.

Use a single funnel builder to plan, design, and execute complete sales funnels, without leaving your WordPress dashboard.

  • A visual funnel canvas for funnel mapping & planning
  • All the basic funnel steps (Landing, Checkout, Thank You)
  • Pre-ade Funnel Templates
  • Design funnel pages with Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi, Bricks, or Oxygen
  • Opt-in Form for lead generation
  • Direct integration with Mail Mint to collect & manage leads
  • Order bump offers at the checkout
  • One Click Upsell and Downsell offers after checkout (Pro)
  • Conditional steps to control the buyer’s journey
  • Exclusive discounts for your funnel offers
  • Detailed analytics of every funnel step (Pro)
  • Conditional eCommerce Funnels for your WooCommerce store (Pro)
  • Email Marketing Automation On The Funnel Canvas (requires Mail Mint) (Pro)
  • Course Funnels along with WooCommerce (Tutor LMS, LearnDash)
  • Create Funnels for LearnDash Courses Directly (without WooCommerce) (Pro)
  • Integration with Popular CRMs and Automation Tools (Pro)
  • Webhooks support (Pro)
  • Offline payments support
  • Major payment processing support for one click upsell – Stripe, PayPal, Mollie, Authorize.net, Square, Sumit, PayFast & More! (Pro)
  • Any payment gateway support for post-purchase upsells. (Pro)
  • A/B split testing (Pro)

Control everything from planning your funnel to launching a live campaign in 1 place – no complexity.

One of the main purposes of creating WPFunnels was to make funnel building easy in WordPress.

It is a great alternative to solutions such as Carflows or FunnelKit, and a cost-effective alternative to ClickFunnels in WordPress.

You will love how simplified the plugin is.

Can’t find what you are looking for or have a feature request? πŸ‘€ Let us know!

🌟 A WordPress Funnel Builder For EVERY Business In EVERY Niche 🌟

Though most of the core features of WPFunnels complement digital creators and marketers more, it is not limited to that.

βœ… Marketing Coach βœ… Life Coach βœ… Business Coach βœ… Fitness Trainer βœ… Yoga Instructor
βœ… Business Consultant βœ… Course Creators βœ… eCommerce Shop βœ… Software Firm βœ…Counselor
βœ… Marketing Strategist βœ… Affiliate Marketer βœ… Educational Portal βœ… Marketing Agency
βœ… Financial Coach βœ… Marketing Consultant βœ… Yoga Instructor βœ… Advertising Agency

And many more…

Create highly converting sales funnels no matter what business you are in using WPFunnels.

** Types Of Funnels You Can Create Using WPFunnels **

  • Lead Generation Funnel (with lead magnets or resources)
  • Product Sales Funnels (physical or tangible products)
  • Digital Product Sales Funnel
  • eCommerce Sales Funnel
  • Course Funnels
  • Webinar Funnel
  • Affiliate Sales Funnel
  • Bridge Funnel
  • Tripwire Sales Funnel
  • Conditional Funnel
  • Social Followers Growth Funnel
  • Squeeze Page Funnel
  • Subscription Funnel
  • Free Consultation Funnel
  • VSL Funnel
  • SLO Funnel
    and many more.

Everything You Need To Craft Conversion-Optimized Funnels

WPFunnels is your go-to WordPress funnel builder plugin that comes with all the necessary features to help you craft lead generation funnels and sales funnels easily.

⭐ The Visual Funnel Canvas ⭐

Get a visual funnel building canvas to plan and organize your funnel journey without any confusion.

You get full control over funnel mapping and navigation – add necessary steps, define conditional flows, and configure the whole funnel right from the canvas.

Learn More About Visual Funnel Canvas

⭐ Pre-made Sales Funnel Templates ⭐

Design your funnel from scratch or choose from dozens of niche-specific funnel templates that you can quickly tweak and start using immediately.

This will make the funnel building process easier even without high technical and design skills.

Check Out WPFunnels’ Exclusive Funnel Templates

⭐ Customize Funnel Pages With Popular Page Builders ⭐

WPFunnels has support for the following popular page builders:
* Gutenberg
* Elementor
* Divi
* Oxygen Builder
* Bricks

For each, you will get several pre-made templates with dedicated blocks/widgets/modules/elements to make the funnel functional.

With other page builders, you mayuse shortcodes to make the funnel functional.

Learn More About WPFunnesl And Page Builders Support

⭐ Custom Funnel Checkout Pages ⭐

For every funnel, you may customize checkout page however you want to deliver the best checkout experience for your customers.

βœ… Custom Design and typography
βœ… Single and two-column checkout
βœ… Two-step checkout
βœ… Multi-step checkout (Pro)
βœ… Distraction-free express checkout (Pro)
βœ… Built-in checkout field editor (Pro)

Learn More About Funnel Checkout Customization

⭐ Order Bump Offers At The Checkout ⭐

Make a quick order bump offer right on the checkout page which people can easily add to the cart with one click. If the offer is right, many people will accept it while you enjoy increased customer AOV.

βœ… Single order bump
βœ… Change order bump position
βœ… Basic design control
βœ… Custom offer title & description
βœ… Exclusive discount
βœ… Multiple order bumps (Pro)

Learn More About Using Order Bumps

⭐ Post-purchase Upsells (Pro) ⭐

Unlike most other tools, with WPFunnels, you will be able to make post-purchase upsell offers no matter what payment gateway you use such as Razorpay, MBWay, EUPago, Mercado Pago, etc.

Take a look:

⭐ One Click Upsell And Downsell Offers (Pro) ⭐

For selected payment gateways, you will be able to trigger exclusive one-time offers or one click upsell and downsell offers after checkout to leverage the buyer’s intent to your advantage and boost your sales revenue.

βœ… Post-purchase offer
βœ… Exclusive discount
βœ… One-click offer acceptance

These will be “one-click” meaning, people won’t have to input payment information again. They can simply accept the offer and the product will be sold.

Learn More About Using One Click Upsell Offers

⭐ Create Lead Generation Funnels For Free ⭐

You can easily create a lead generation funnel in WPFunnels using the basic features.

βœ… Custom landing pages
βœ… Lead generation funnel templates
βœ… Opt-in form to collect leads
βœ… Admin notification

Then combine it with Mail Mint to automate the lead collection and email engagements easily.

βœ… Automatically send leads to Mail Mint
βœ… Assign contacts to lists and tags
βœ… Use Mail Mint’s custom forms instead
βœ… Send automated emails upon form submission (if Mail Mint’s form is used.)

WPFunnels is the only free funnel builder in WordPress that allows full-fledged lead generation (via Mail Mint).

Learn to create a lead generation funnel for free:

⭐ Email Automation For Your Funnels (Pro) ⭐

WPFunnels and Mail Mint have a direct integration to let you set up email automation workflows based on buyer actions in your funnels.

And the best part, you can set these up without leaving your funnel canvas!

Check it out!

⭐ Intuitive A/B Split Testing In WordPress (Pro) ⭐

With WPFunnels you may A/B test all of your funnel steps with multiple variants, different designs, offers, copies, etc., and get accurate data to determine what works best.

βœ… A/B Testing for any funnel page
βœ… Unlimited page variants
βœ… Controlled traffic distribution
βœ… Accurate analytics per variant

Learn More About WPFunnels’ A/B Testing

⭐ Detailed Funnel Analytics (Pro) ⭐

Get comprehensive analytics to help you track how well your funnels are performing.

You will get specific analytics for each funnel pages to make informed decisions for optimial funnel performance.

βœ… Opt-in Submissions
βœ… Gross Sales
βœ… Average Order Value
βœ… Order Bump Revenue
βœ… Total Sales From Upsells & Downsells
βœ… Total Visitors
βœ… Unique Visitors
βœ… Conversion Rate
βœ… Weekly Revenue Graph
βœ… Quick Stats

Learn More About WPFunnels’ Detailed Funnel Analytics

🌟 Sales Funnels For WooCommerce 🌟

WPFunnels has a core integration with WooCommerce to help you easily create sales funnels for your products and increase revenue.

** Create Exclusive Sales Funnels **
Create sales funnels for specific products and run exclusive campaigns, that are not available in your WooCommerce shop.

These funnels will include their own landing pages, checkout pages, dedicated offers, and unique customer journeys.

** Conditional WooCommerce Funnels (Pro) **

Get a special add-on – The Global Funnel Checkout – which allows you to create funnels for your WooCommerce store directly.

  • Define conditions such as cart total, product in category, etc.

  • When a customer visits your store, adds products to the cart, and wants to checkout, if the condition is met, he will enter your funnel.

  • Then, set up relevant order bumps or dynamic upsell offers (with conditions such as more quantity, relevant products, etc.) to increase AOV.

  • Next, you can set up email automation to send out more product suggestions and offers (if you have Mail Mint Pro).

In such a funnel, people who will naturally visit your eCommerce store will enter the funnel if their product choices meet the conditions.

** Replace Your WooCommerce Checkout Page (Pro) **

Global Funnels will also allow you to replace your default WooCommerce checkout page with a custom funnel checkout page.

  1. Create a global funnel and customize your checkout.
  2. Set condition “Any product added.”

Here, anytime a person wants to order from your online shop, they will see your custom checkout page.

You can then add dynamic upsell offers and automated email offers (with Mail Mint Pro) after checkout to make this funnel more personalized and profitable.

Learn More About WPFunnels’ Conditional WooCommerce Funnels

⭐ Checkoutify – Checkout Customizer For WooCommerce (Pro) ⭐

WPFunnels Pro will also give you access to Checkoutify, a modern checkout form customizer, that will help you design and optimize your WooCommerce checkout form with full control.

βœ… Drag and drop field editor
βœ… Cutom layouts and design
βœ… Multi-step checkout form
βœ… Replace WooCommerce checkout form
βœ… Custom order bump offer
βœ… Replace a funnel checkout form
βœ… Embed checkout form on any page
βœ… Gutenberg block and Elementor widget
βœ… Distraction-free express layout

Learn More About Checkoutify

⭐ Integration With Major Automation & CRM Tools (Pro) ⭐

WPFunnels Pro allows you to integrate with 15+ popular CRMs and automation tools (such as FluentCRM, Pabbly Connect, WPFusion, ActiveCampaign, etc.) so that you can easily send data from your funnels to your preferred tool based on user actions in the funnel.

Checkout All The Tools That Integrate With WPFunnels

⭐ Create Course Funnels In WordPress ⭐

If you create or sell courses, then you can use WPFunnels along with TutorLMS or LearnDash to create course funnels easily.

  • Create Funnels For Your Course Products (In WooCommerce)
  • Direct Integration With LearnDash (Pro)

Learn More About Creating Course Funnels

All WPFunnels Free & Pro Features

Get WPFunnels Pro Now!

🀩 Join The WPFunnels Users Community On Facebook 🀩

πŸ‘‰ JOIN OUR FACEBOOK USERS COMMUNITY: Discuss and learn how others are using WPFunnels and how you can use it to effectively create sales funnels for your WordPress or WooCommerce shop. Plus, stay up-to-date with our exciting upcoming features.

Privacy Policy

WP Funnels uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.

Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users.

Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.

Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.


  • Create Your First Funnel
  • Import Preferred Funnel Template Or Start From Scratch
  • Add Your First Funnel step
  • Add Upsell Step
  • Add Conditional Actions
  • Set Up Conditional Statements & Add Steps From The Same Tab
  • Create Your Funnel Journey
  • Run A/B Testing In A Clean UI
  • Add Order Bump Offers Easily
  • Add as many Funnel steps as you want for a complete user journey
  • All Your Funnels In One Place


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