wpLike2Get wpLike2Get


Created by: Markus Drubba

Downloaded: 22k times

WordPress out of the box is smart enough to give you the ability to host downloads on your personal blog/website. If you deliver premium content for free to your users maybe you want to get a little bit of love from your consumers. With wpLike2Get you can protect your download or content until the user like, tweet or +1 your content.

Decide which type of social network

You decide between Facebooks like and send button, Twitters tweet or follow button and Google +1 button. You can decide for only one button, two, or all together.

Track with Google Analytics

You have the ability to track the button-clicks with Google Analytics.


The social media buttons are loaded when the shortcode was detected. [l2g id=”999″]. You can optional decide for a name of the downloadlink and you can select different social networks when you activated all on the wpLike2Get settings page. A complete shortcode for downloads looks like that: [l2g name=”Download this awesome file” id=”999″ facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”]
a complete shortcode for hiding content looks like that: [l2g facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”]here is your content to hide until user likes the content[/l2g]

Shortcode options

  • id => id of the attachment
  • name => some text
  • twitter => true|false
  • facebook => true|false
  • gplusone => true|false
  • single => true|false if true show only on singular views (since v1.2.2)
  • home_text => some text only displayed when single is true (since v1.2.2)
  • like_url => url for all activated social networks to like
  • facebook_url => add the url the user should like, will not detect likes from the past
  • twitter_url => add the url the user should tweet/follow, will not detect likes from the past
  • gplusone_url => add the url the user should plus, will not detect likes from the past


  • wpLike2Get settings excerpt
  • The wpLike2Get option in the media-uploader
  • Example layout of all the social media buttons
  • Example layout of the download link after facebook like


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