WordPress WPO Tweaks & Optimizations WordPress WPO Tweaks & Optimizations

WordPress WPO Tweaks & Optimizations

Created by: Fernando Tellado

Downloaded: 130k times

By default, WordPress load several functions, services and scripts that aren’t mandatory and usually slow down your installation and waste hosting resources. From years I’ve been trying out some tweaks to save hosting resources and improve WordPress Performance and Load Time. After thousands of tests this plugin include my best speed and performance optimizations with just one click.

With this plugin you can safely deactivate that annoying services, unnecessary codes and scripts in order to save hosting resources and costs, and to speed up WordPress for better results in tools like Google PageSpeed, Pingdom Tools, GTMetrix, WebPageTest and others.

The improvements (tweaks) that the plugin automatically applies securely are the following:

  • NEW: Added browser cache expires rules to main WordPress .htaccess file
  • NEW: Added GZIP compression rules to main WordPress .htaccess file
  • Remove Dashicons in admin bar (only for non logged users)
  • Remove Emoji’s styles and scripts
  • Disable REST API (full disabled)
  • Control Heartbeat API interval
  • Remove Query Strings from Static Resources
  • Defer Parsing of JavaScript and YouTube videos iframes
  • Remove Gravatar Query Strings
  • Remove Really Simple Discovery link from header
  • Remove wlwmanifest.xml (Windows Live Writer) from header
  • Remove Shortlink URL from header
  • Remove WordPress Generator Version from header
  • Remove s.w.org DNS Prefetch
  • Remove unnecessary links from header
  • Remove generator name from RSS Feeds
  • Remove Capital P Dangit filter
  • Disable PDF thumbnails preview
  • Disable Self Pingbacks

No options. Just activate the plugin and test your site’s speed in your favourite tool (GTMetrix, Pingdom Tools, etc.)

Plugin Requirements

  • This plugin requires WordPress 4.8 or greater
  • This plugin requires PHP 7.3 or greater


  • Pingdom Tools results before plugin activation.
  • Pingdom Tools results after plugin activation.


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