WP Telegram Widget and Join Link WP Telegram Widget and Join Link

WP Telegram Widget and Join Link

Created by: WP Socio

Downloaded: 123k times

Display the Telegram Public Channel or Group Feed in a WordPress widget or anywhere you want using a simple shortcode.


  • Provides an ajax widget to display channel feed
  • Ajax widget contains a Join Channel link
  • A separate Join Channel Link/Button
  • Pulls updates automatically from Telegram
  • Uses a responsive widget to display the feed
  • Fits anywhere you want it to be
  • The received messages can be seen from /wp-admin
  • Automatically removes deleted messages
  • Can be displayed using a shortcode
  • Available as a Gutengerg block
  • Allows embedding of Telegram public channel messages
  • Can be extended with custom code

Widget Info

Ajax Widget
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Ajax Widget and place it where you want it to be.

Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.

Inside page or post content:

[wptelegram-ajax-widget username="WPTelegram" width="100%" height="500px"]

Inside the theme templates

if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_ajax_widget' ) ) {


    echo do_shortcode( '[wptelegram-ajax-widget width="98%" height="700px"]' );

Legacy Widget
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Legacy Widget and place it where you want it to be.

Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.

Inside page or post content:

[wptelegram-widget num_messages="5" width="100%" author_photo="auto"]

Inside the theme templates

if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_widget' ) ) {
    $args = array(
        // 'author_photo' => 'auto',
        // 'num_messages' => 5,
        // 'width'        => 100,

    wptelegram_widget( $args );


    echo do_shortcode( '[wptelegram-widget num_messages="5" width="100%" author_photo="always_show"]' );

Join Link
Goto Appearance > Widgets and click/drag WP Telegram Join Channel and place it where you want it to be.

Alternately, you can use the below shortcode.

Inside page or post content:

[wptelegram-join-channel link="https://t.me/WPTelegram" text="Join @WPTelegram on Telegram"]

Inside the theme templates

if ( function_exists( 'wptelegram_join_channel' ) ) {
    $args = array(
        'link' => 'https://t.me/WPTelegram',
        'text' => 'Join @WPTelegram on Telegram',
    wptelegram_join_channel( $args );


Excellent Support

Join the Chat

We have a public group on Telegram to provide help setting up the plugin, discuss issues, features, translations etc. Join @WPTelegramChat
For rules, see the pinned message. No spam please.

Get in touch


Development takes place in our Github monorepo, and all contributions welcome.


  • Ajax Widget Settings
  • Legacy Widget Settings
  • Legacy Widget Settings (Cont.)
  • Join Link Settings
  • Advancced Settings
  • Widget Settings (back-end)
  • Widget View (front-end)
  • Blocks
  • Join Link View


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