wpuntexturize wpuntexturize


Created by: Scott Reilly

Downloaded: 20k times

By default, WordPress converts single and double quotation marks into their curly alternatives. This plugin prevents that from happening, so you can enjoy your quotation marks in their non-curly glory. If your content happens to already have curly quotation marks in it, then this plugin can optionally also convert them to their non-curly alternatives.

Note: Despite the unfortunately misleading name, this plugin is NOT the antithesis of WordPress’s wptexturize() function. This ONLY prevents WordPress from making HTML entity code substitutions of single and double quotation marks with their curly alternatives and does NOT prevent wptexturize() from making any other character and string substitutions. See the FAQ for details on the filters processed by the plugin.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage

Developer Documentation

Developer documentation can be found in DEVELOPER-DOCS.md. That documentation covers the numerous hooks provided by the plugin. Those hooks are listed below to provide an overview of what’s available.

  • c2c_wpuntexturize : An alternative approach to safely invoke c2c_wpuntexturize() in such a way that if the plugin were deactivated or deleted, then your calls to the function won’t cause errors in your site. This only applies if you use the function directly, which is not typical usage for most users.
  • wpuntexturize_filters : customize what filters to hook to be filtered with wpuntexturize. See the Description section for a complete list of all filters that are filtered by default.
  • c2c_wpuntexturize_replacements : Customize the character replacements handled by the plugin.
  • c2c_wpuntexturize_convert_curly_quotes : Enable conversion of preexisting curly quotes into their non-curly alternatives.


  • A screenshot of the plugin's checkbox on the Settings -> Reading admin page. If checked, the plugin will convert existing curly quotation marks into their non-curly alternatives.


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