WPygments WPygments


Created by: Marcelo Iván Tosco (Capy)

Downloaded: 1k times

Server side syntax highlighter based on Pygments highlighter software.


To use this plugin you need pygments in your server:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
easy_install Pygments

That’s all. Now you can download the plugin and install it in your WordPress.


Once you get installed the plugin the usage is straightforward. just enclose your code between tokens named with the corresponding lang:


See “Languages and filetypes supported” section to know available languages.


Tokens support a few parameters (all optionals):

[php **style**="manni" **linenumbers**="table"]....[/php]

style="manni" defines code styling. Currently are 22 available styles.<br>

Default styling is default wich is very nice, but maybe you like other styles. see “Color styles” section.

If you set “linenumbers” to inline or table, the line numbers will be added as independent table column or as part of the line.



//comment line
var foo = “foo”;
var bar = function(){
var baz;

Outputs highlighted js with default style, and no line numbers.


[javascript style=”monokai” linenumbers=”inline”]
//comment line
var foo = “foo”;
var bar = function(){
var baz;
Outputs highlighted js with monokai style with line numbers (as part of the line).


[javascript style=”monokai” linenumbers=”table”]
//comment line
var foo = “foo”;
var bar = function(){
var baz;
Outputs highlighted js with monokai style with line numbers (as new column).

Color styles

These are supported color styles:

  • monokai
  • manni
  • rrt
  • perldoc
  • borland
  • colorful
  • default
  • murphy
  • vs
  • trac
  • tango
  • fruity
  • autumn
  • bw
  • emacs
  • vim
  • pastie
  • friendly
  • native

Languages and filetypes supported

Pygments not only highlights languages. also highlights filetypes like .conf Nginx configuration file, Apache (filenames .htaccess, apache.conf, apache2.conf), etc.

NOTE: to use see “Usage” section

important sdsd;


  • apacheconf: (.htaccess, apache.conf, apache2.conf)
  • bash, sh, ksh:
    (*.sh, *.ksh, *.bash, *.ebuild, *.eclass, .bashrc, bashrc)
  • ini, cfg: (*.ini, *.cfg)
  • makefile:
    (.mak, Makefile, makefile, Makefile., GNUmakefile)
  • nginx:
    Nginx configuration file
  • yaml:
    (*.yaml, *.yml)
  • perl:
    Perl (*.pl, *.pm)
  • vb.net:
    VB.net (*.vb, *.bas)
  • console:
    Bash Session (*.sh-session)


  • javascript: Pure Javascript
  • coffeescript: Pure CoffeeScript
  • json: Pure JSON


  • cssphp: PHP embedded in CSS
  • htmlphp: PHP embedded in HTML
  • jsphp: PHP embedded in JS
  • php: Pure PHP
  • xmlphp: PHP embedded in XML


  • ruby, duby: Ruby (*.rb, *.rbw, *.rake, *.gemspec, *.rbx, *.duby)
  • csserb, cssruby: Ruby embedded in CSS
  • xmlerb, xmlruby: Ruby embedded in XML

CSS and CSS compilers

  • css:
    CSS (*.css)
  • sass:
    Sass (*.sass)
  • scss:
    SCSS (*.scss)

HTML and HTML template systems

  • html:
    HTML (*.html, *.htm, *.xhtml, *.xslt)
  • haml:
    Haml (*.haml)
  • jade:
    Jade (*.jade)


  • sql:
    SQL (*.sql)
  • sqlite3:
    sqlite3con (*.sqlite3-console)
  • mysql:

Python, jinja & Django

  • python: Pure Python
  • python3: Pure Python 3
  • xmldjango, xmljinja: Django/Jinja embedded in XML
  • cssdjango, cssjinja: Django/Jinja embedded in CSS
  • django, jinja: Pure Django/Jinja
  • htmldjango, htmljinja: Django/Jinja embedded in HTML
  • jsdjango, jsjinja: Django/Jinja embedded in Javascript

Java && family

  • java:
    Java (*.java)
  • clojure:
    clojure (*.clj)
  • groovy:
    Groovy (*.groovy)
  • jsp:
    Java Server Page (*.jsp)

C, C++, Objetive-c, C Sharp

  • cobjdump: c-objdump (*.c-objdump)
  • c: C (*.c, *.h, *.idc)
  • cpp: C++ (*.cpp, *.hpp, *.c++, *.h++, *.cc, *.hh, *.cxx, *.hxx)
  • csharp: C# (*.cs)
  • objectivec: (*.m)


  • xml: (*.xml, *.xsl, *.rss, *.xslt, *.xsd, *.wsdl)
  • xslt: (*.xsl, *.xslt)


  • Example highlighted code
  • Another example highlighted code


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