WSB Brands is a complete Brands management solution for WooCommerce. If term “Manufacturer” is more suitable for you, you can easily change all the labels using “Brand / Manufacturer” switch in plugin settings. You can create unlimited number of brands, assign them to the products and show on desired positions. You can also enable a “Brand info” tab on product details page.
Using shortcode, you can create “Shop by brand” page with brands in responsive grid.
Widgets included: Brands menu and Brands Carousel slider with many configuration options.
Since version 1.0.5 you can limit WooCommerce coupon usage to brand(s) and combine it with other filters. For example, you can set perecentage or fixed discount for all LG products or SONY products from TVs category.

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Detailed documentation


  • PHP version 5.6 and above
  • WordPress version 4.7 and above
  • Woocommerce plugin installed and enabled (v 3.8 and above)


  • Brand added to Google Structured data (WooCommerce product schema)
  • WooCommerce Coupon restriction per brands
  • Unlimited number of brands
  • Name, slug, description, website url and logo
  • Choose the term to use on the website (Brand or Manufacturer)
  • Woocommerce product export and import supported
  • Filtering products by brands in administration panel
  • Brands carousel (slider) widget
  • Brands menu (list) widget
  • Shortcode with additional options for responsive brands grid ( 1-6 columns)
  • Brand can be shown on category page and single product page
  • “Brand info” tab on product details page, can be turned off /on
  • Show or hide label “Brand:” on product and category pages
  • Display brand name or logo on product page
  • Display brand in a shopping cart
  • Choose one of several predefined positions for display brand on product and category pages
  • Set max logo height in pixels
  • Ready for translations (Croatian and English languages included)


Shortcode with all default values: [brands_page grid=”4″ logo_height=”40″ show=”both” hide_empty=”no” count=”yes”]
If you are happy with default values, you can use just [brands_page] instead. Also you can use only
those parameters that you want to change, for example: [brands_page logo_height=”50″ grid=”3″]

Parameters and possible values:
– grid: 1-6 (number of columns)
– logo_height: any numeric value for height in pixels
– show: name, logo, both
– hide_empty: yes, no (show or hide brands which are not assigned to any product)
– count: yes, no (Show number of products next to brand name)

Menu Widget

Shows list of brand names as menu.
Links point to the brand archive pages.
* Show/Hide empty Brands
* Show/Hide products count

Carousel Widget

Shows selected brands in a carousel slider.
* Show or hide selected brands
* Set speed of slides
* Set number of slides
* Sorting brands, logo height, navigation arrows and many other options


  • Fix: XSS vulnerability


  • Fix: Init function priority bug
  • Enhancement: “Advanced pricing rules” plugin compatible (now you can set the pricing rules per brands)


  • Fix: Hidden page title bug


  • Fix: Coupon filter bug


  • Fix: Coupon validation bug
  • Fix: Brand tab on product details page
  • Woocommerce 4.3 compatibility


  • Several bug fixes, Woocommerce 4.2 compatibility


  • Fix: hidden Parent Category in product category edit page


  • Feature: “Brand” added to WooCommerce product schema (Google Structured data)
  • Enhancement: Export/Import Brand names without brackets and quotes


  • Fix: hidden Parent Category error in admin panel


  • Fix: error with logo alignment on Brand archive page


  • Fix: error with “Brand info” tab when no brand selected for product
  • Feature: added options for display product brand in the shopping cart


  • Feature: added Brands filter for coupon usage restriction in admin panel
  • Enhancement: Shortcode fully compatible with Gutenberg blocks


  • Feature: added brands filter to the top of product list in admin panel
  • Feature: Brands carousel / slider widget for frontend
  • Feature: Added selector for main term used on website (brand/manufacturer)


  • Fix: error on saving options (php < 5.6)


  • Feature: added support for Woocommerce product import/export
  • Enhancement: improved basic styling and layout options for brand page header
  • Enhancement: improved layout and style of shortcode grid
  • Feature: color picker for header background on brand page
  • Feature: options for border color and thickness of brand page header


  • Fix: Brand is not copied when duplicate product
  • Fix: correction to readme.txt description


  • Initial release of the plugin.


  • Brands management page in admin area
  • Brands tab under Woocommerce settings
  • Display options and other brands settings
  • You can show or hide brands on product list
  • Brand is assigned to product via custom metabox using dropdown list
  • Brands widget
  • Shop page
  • Examples of showing brand on single product page
  • Brand archive page
  • Brand names and logos in shortcode grid
  • Shortcode grid: brand names only
  • Brands carousel widget settings


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