xili Post in Post xili Post in Post

xili Post in Post

Created by: dev.xiligroup.com - MS

Downloaded: 9k times

xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage – outside or inside WP loop – . The displayed post(s) are resulting of queries (see codex) like those in WP loop but not interfere with main WP loop. Widget contains conditional syntax.

  • Template tag function xi_postinpost() – see source ,
  • shortcode like [xilipostinpost query="p=1"] or like <blockquote>[xilipostinpost query="cat=3,4,150&showposts=2&lang=en_us"]</blockquote>.
  • A shortcode like <blockquote>[xilipostinpost query="cat=3,4,150&showposts=2" lang="cur"]</blockquote> with param lang set to cur give a result according the current language (example: inside an undefined page displayed according browser language).

  • and widget with powerful syntax for contextual display of query’s result.

are available for developers, authors and webmasters.

In widget (and template tag), if option is set, it is possible to choose display period and expiration date.

In widget – if xili-language plugin active – to combine a query and the current language use params like [query="cat=14" lang="cur"] with square bracket[] and lang set cur. Don’t put cur in query. See screenshot.

For each post of the resulting list, the displayed result is hightly customizable and can contain title, excerpt, content, thumbnail image with or without link to the post as single.

Paging is preserved even if a shortcode is used in a list of posts.

New with 1.7.02 :

More infos

  • Tested on WP mono and multisite mode.

Why this plugin ?

xili-postinpost is compromise between minimum php coding (but not accessible by everybody) and end-user tool (like widget) – but with lot of php lines in background – to afford flexibility for webmaster and data-designer for CMS. The core function of the plugin ( xi_postinpost() ) and its rich argument (array with lot params) was created 4 years ago to insert by example a recent news in header, a target post inside blockquote set in content of a page or a post. Doing a public version is like finishing a book. Remind that free code is not gratis, include fees in quotation for commercial use or clients and donate. For free use, send an email!

Are the queries recursive in widget ?

No, it is only possible to combine one true and another one if the first is false: the syntax is [condition=… query=…]:[query=…]. The second part can have is own condition as in screenshot 6.


  • widget settings UI for a simple query
  • widget settings UI for a simple conditional query and all display/input options set.
  • widget settings UI for a two conditional queries.
  • widget settings UI for a query combined with current language (requires xili-language).
  • widget settings UI: in this case, Featured images of category ID11 will be listed in ul li list according current language.
  • appearance - customize - widget settings UI: real time results during settings (WP 3.9+)


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