XL Logo Carousel is a WordPress plugin which create custom post type to add client’s logo to display anywhere of your site using shortcode. It is simple but flexible & powerful.

Plugin Features

  • Shortcode ready logo carousel
  • Responsive logo carousel.
  • Very light weight.
  • Custom post type for adding new logo.
  • No need any settings.
  • Work with all WordPress theme.
  • Easy to use.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • Powered by Owl Carousel 2.
  • Its easy user interface allows you to manage, edit, create, and delete logo’s.

Pro Features

  • Advance setting panel with all necessary settings.
  • Multiple sliders can be shown from different Logo categories.
  • Responsive settings. Can be control logo item to show on tablet & mobile.
  • Great settings panel.
  • On / Off – stop on hover
  • On / Off infinite loop.
  • 3 way to display slider navigation
  • 5 nav arrow styles.
  • Unlimited colors select.
  • Auto select font from your website
  • Author image upload Size control
  • Author link open setting
  • Display logo including / excluding title.
  • 6 title position style
  • Number of logos to move on transition.
  • Lot’s of shortcode parameters
  • Well documentation
  • Works with any WordPress Theme.
  • Build with HTML5 & CSS3.
  • Responsive. Work on any device.
  • Easy and user-friendly setup.
  • Well documentation and 24/7 support.
  • And many more.


Basic Usage – Use following shortcode to display partners, clients or sponsors Logo

6 different title styles

  • xl_bottom_left
  • xl_bottom_center
  • xl_bottom_right
  • xl_top_left
  • xl_top_center
  • xl_top_right

5 Navigation Arrow styles

  • Top right corner – trc
  • Top left corner – tlc
  • Bottom left corner – blc
  • Bottom right corner – brc
  • Default

Example Uses

Use following shortcode to display logo combined with 5 logos in large desktop, 4 in medium desktop, 4,3 and 2 accordingly in tablets, large phone and small phone, it will display title in bottom left position, nav arrow in top right corner, 20px margin between two logos. and 1px solid light gray border with 30px padding.

[xl_logo large_desktops="5" medium_desktops="4" tablets="4" large_phones="3" small_phones="2" title="yes" title_position="xl_bottom_left" nav_arow_style="trc" logo_margin="20" logo_border_style="solid" logo_border_thickness="1" logo_border_color="#ddd" logo_padding="30"]

Still have any confusion?

Normally logos will display by descending order, latest will show first. But if you wish to display ascending order, oldest at first then pass order=”ASC” parameter to shortcode like

[xl_logo order='ASC']


Developed by Khandaker Ikrama – http://ikrama.info/
Proudly powered by XL Theme – http://www.xltheme.com/


Khandaker Ikrama – https://www.duetsoft.com/contact-us/


  • XL Logo Carousel
  • Admin Panel - Basic Settings
  • Admin Panel - Color Settings
  • Admin Panel - Advanced Settings


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