XL Product Carousel is a WordPress plugin which create WooCommerce product slider to display anywhere of your site using shortcode. It is simple but flexible & powerful.

Plugin Features

  • Shortcode ready product carousel
  • Responsive product carousel.
  • Very light weight.
  • No need any settings.
  • Work with all WordPress theme.
  • Easy to use.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • Powered by Owl Carousel 2.
  • Its easy user interface allows you to manage plugin.

Pro Features

  • Advance setting panel with all necessary settings.
  • Multiple sliders can be shown from different Product categories.
  • Responsive settings. Can be control product item to show on tablet & mobile.
  • Great settings panel.
  • On / Off – stop on hover
  • On / Off infinite loop.
  • 3 way to display slider navigation
  • 5 nav arrow styles.
  • 4 border style
  • Unlimited colors select.
  • Auto select font from your website
  • Number of products to move on transition.
  • Lot’s of shortcode parameters
  • Works with any WordPress Theme.
  • Build with HTML5 & CSS3.
  • Responsive. Work on any device.
  • Easy and user-friendly setup.
  • Well documentation
  • 24/7 support.
  • And many more.


Basic Usage – Use following shortcode to display product carousel.

5 Theme Style

  • Default
  • xl_style_1
  • xl_style_2
  • xl_style_3
  • xl_style_4

3 Caption Style

  • xl_left
  • xl_right
  • xl_center

10 Button Style

  • xl_btn_1
  • xl_btn_2
  • xl_btn_3
  • xl_btn_4
  • xl_btn_5
  • xl_btn_6
  • xl_btn_7
  • xl_btn_8
  • xl_btn_9
  • xl_btn_10

4 border styles

  • solid
  • dotted
  • dashed
  • double

5 Navigation Arrow styles

  • Top right corner – trc
  • Top left corner – tlc
  • Bottom left corner – blc
  • Bottom right corner – brc
  • Default

Example Uses

Use following shortcode to display product slider combined with 4 product in large desktop, 4 in medium desktop, 4,3 and 2 accordingly in tablets, large phone and small phone, nav arrow in top right corner, 20px margin between two products. and 1px solid light gray border.

[xl_product theme="xl_style_1" caption_alignment="xl_center" large_desktops="4" medium_desktops="4" tablets="4" large_phones="3" small_phones="2" nav_arow_style="trc" logo_margin="20" product_border_style="solid" product_border_thickness="1" product_border_color="#ddd"]

Still have any confusion?

Normally products will display by descending order, latest will show first. But if you wish to display ascending order, oldest at first then pass order=”ASC” parameter to shortcode like

[xl_product order='ASC']


Developed by Khandaker Ikrama – http://ikrama.info/
Proudly powered by XL Theme – http://www.xltheme.com/


Khandaker Ikrama – http://ikrama.info/contact/


  • XL Product Carousel (Free)
  • Categories Product (Pro)
  • Featured Product (Pro)
  • Theme - Style 4 (Pro)
  • Theme - Style 3 (Pro)
  • Theme - Style 2 (Pro)
  • Theme - Style 1 (Pro)
  • Admin Panel - Advanced Settings (Pro)
  • Admin Panel - Color Settings (Pro)
  • Admin Panel - Basic Settings (Pro)


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