XML Shipping Importer for WooCommerce XML Shipping Importer for WooCommerce

XML Shipping Importer for WooCommerce

Created by: Alec Rippberger

Downloaded: 2k times

Original Purpose

The original purpose for this plugin was to interface a WooCommerce installation with a distribution center’s order processing.

  • Distribution / fulfillment center had an FTP server set up
  • Distribution / fulfillment center requested an XML file of orders be uploaded to their FTP server (WooCommerce Customer/Order XML Export Suite was used for this process – http://www.woothemes.com/products/customerorder-xml-export-suite/ )
  • Distribution / fulfillment center would upload an XML file of completed orders to their FTP server. This file included 1) WooCommerce Order Number 2) Tracking number 3) Shipping Carrier Name
  • This plugin was designed to process the completed orders:
  1. Add tracking number and carrier information to order as meta data
  2. Change order status to completed
  3. Capture card information (credit card info authorized at time of order, captured when order has shipped)

What You’ll Need To Customize

  • FTP information- the plugin has a settings page for these fields – could use improved security
  • Depending on the format of the XML file you’d like to import, you may need to customize the code that handles the import. The plugin currently uses the SimpleXML class to import the XML file to an object.
  • The current credit card capture will need to be customized depending on your needs and your payment gateway (currently set up to work with Intuit’s payment gateway)


  • Example XML file included in repo as example.xml – this is the file that your distribution center would place on their FTP server


  • This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.png - this screenshot depicts the setting screen where you will enter your FTP credentials


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