Yasham Live Feed Yasham Live Feed

Yasham Live Feed

Created by: yashamturk.com

Downloaded: 471 times

Yasham Live Feed is wordpress plugin that help you by simple and fast way to publish your breaking news live advanced news websites and show html or simple text under header bar inside your website.


  1. Easy publish your breakgin news like a post
  2. Select a specific category to publish your news
  3. You can publish a news throw any category you want separately
  4. You can publish multi news and same time and assign each one to a different category
  5. Ability to show or hide active live news throw posts
  6. Ability to publish a news throw each category separately
  7. Documented how to create fire-base account
  8. Easy settings up plug-in
  9. Free support throw info@yashamturk.com

Important Note

This plugin use google firebase database service as 3rd party to run and work well.
Google FireBase url: https://firebase.google.com/
Googel Firebase terms url: https://firebase.google.com/terms/
Googel Firebase privacy url: https://policies.google.com/privacy/
apiKey: user_must_create_his_own_firebase_app,
authDomain: user_app_name+”.firebaseapp.com”,
databaseURL: “https://”+user_app_name+”.firebaseio.com”,


  • English
  • Arabic

If you have made a translation and want to contribute with it to Yasham Live Feed, please e-mail us.


  • screenshot-1.png publish your advanced breaking news
  • screenshot-2.png Step 1 of create firebase app
  • screenshot-3.png Step 2 create firebase app
  • screenshot-4.png Step 3 create firebase app
  • screenshot-5.png Step 1 create firebase app database
  • screenshot-6.png Step 2 create firebase app database
  • screenshot-7.png Step 3 create firebase app database
  • screenshot-8.png step 1 setting up database permission
  • screenshot-9.png step 2 setting up database permission
  • screenshot-10.png get firebase app information
  • screenshot-11.png get your theme header id
  • screenshot-12.png manage yasham live feed settings and firebase app information


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