YM Fast Options

Created by: Yan Metelitsa

Downloaded: 860 times

How to use

First of all open your functions.php theme file. All the next steps will take place in it.

1. Check is plugin activated

/** Registers YMFO custom options */
if ( class_exists( 'YMFO' ) ) {
    // Next code here

2. Create options page

For example it will be a contacts page.

$contacts_page = new YMFO_Page( 'Contacts', 'contacts' );

The first function argument is the page title, and the second is the page slug.

3. Create options section

For example it will be a section with social media links.

$contacts_page->add_section( 'Social media', 'social_media' );

The first function argument is the section title, and the second is the section slug.

4. Add options fields to section

$contacts_page->add_field( 'YouTube', 'youtube_link', 'url', 'social_media' );
$contacts_page->add_field( 'Facebook', 'facebook_link', 'url', 'social_media' );

The first function argument is the field title, the second is the field slug, the third is the field type (you can find allowed types below) and the fourth is the field section slug.

It’s done!

You can locate the new options page in the WordPress admin area on the sidebar.

Our result code is:

/** Registers YMFO custom options */
if ( class_exists( 'YMFO' ) ) {
    // Create page
    $contacts_page = new YMFO_Page( 'Contacts', 'contacts' );

    // Create section
    $contacts_page->add_section( 'Social media', 'social_media' );

    // Create fields
    $contacts_page->add_field( 'YouTube', 'youtube_link', 'url', 'social_media' );
    $contacts_page->add_field( 'Facebook', 'facebook_link', 'url', 'social_media' );

How to get new options values

To get your options values use ymfo_get_option( $page_slug, $field_slug ) function or [ymfo page="$page_slug" option="$field_slug"] shortcode.

For example let’s print a link to your YouTube channel:

<a href="<?php echo esc_attr( ymfo_get_option( 'contacts', 'youtube_link' ) ); ?>">YouTube</a>

Allowed field types

  • text
  • textarea
  • number
  • select
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • tel
  • email
  • url
  • date
  • datetime-local
  • month
  • week
  • time
  • color



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