YouTube SimpleGallery YouTube SimpleGallery

YouTube SimpleGallery

Created by: Stian Andreassen

Downloaded: 108k times

YouTube SimpleGallery is a plugin for creating video galleries with thumbnails. Now merged with the Vimeo SimpleGallery, this plugin supports both YouTube and Vimeo. You can even combine videos from both services in the same gallery. The plugin will automatically fetch both thumbnails and titles from YouTube/Vimeo.

Now also supports user feeds – a much requested feature!

YouTube SimpleGallery – new and improved!

  • YouTube SimpleGallery and Vimeo SimpleGallery have merged, i.e. they now have the same codebase. Old shortcodes still functional.
  • NEW FEATURE: It is now possible to combine video services, i.e. you can add links from YouTube and Vimeo in the same gallery.
  • NEW FEATURE: Automatically fetch titles from video service.
  • NEW FEATURE: User-defined attributes in shortcode overrides default settings: cols=x and thumbwidth=y allows for galleries with different thumb sizes, etc.
  • NEW SHORTCODE: [youtubeuserfeed user=username service=youtube] – outputs a gallery from a user’s video feed – works with both YouTube (service=youtube) and Vimeo (service=vimeo).

To embed a gallery in a Post use the following code:



= Galleries =
You can now combine links from YouTube and Vimeo in the same gallery.

To embed a gallery in a Post use the following code:


NOTE: Make sure URLs start with http. For the time being, https is not supported.

If you want to add titles to the videos, add it before the link and separate with | (pipe), like this:

Eyes Close|
Jožin z bažin|

NOTE: If titles are added before videos, these will override titles fetched automatically from services.

User Feeds

To set up a gallery that subscribes to a user’s feed, use the following shortcode:
[youtubeuserfeed user=username service=youtube]

Note that both user and service are required for the feed to work. Service is either youtube or vimeo.

Optional attributes are maxitems=x where x is the number of items to fetch:

[youtubeuserfeed user=username service=youtube maxitems=4]


Overrides are a way of suppressing the default settings of the plugin, with attributes of your own.

Override columns with cols=x, where x is the number of thumbs per row:

[youtubegallery cols=8]

Override thumbnail width with thumbwidht=x, where x is a pixel value:

[youtubegallery thumbwidth=100]

Fetch titles from service with autotitles=fetch (or autotitles=false to not fetch):

[youtubegallery autotitles=fetch]

And, of course, you can combine them:

[youtubegallery cols=8 thumbwidth=100 autotitles=false]

These are also applicable for the [youtubeuserfeed] shortcode.

Supported Video Services

Supported services are YouTube and Vimeo. Other services might be added, but a requirement is that they can deliver video streams in a HTML5-compatible format.

Note that it is possible to combine videos from both services in galleries.


  • Settings let's you set width and height of embedded video, chose if Thickbox or Shadowbox should be used (note: width and height is only necessary if Thickbox or Shadowbox is active), and use included CSS.
  • The gallery will show on your page like this
  • If Thickbox or Shadowbox is active, the embedded video will show in a box on your site


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