ZChat Enterprise offers an on-premises live chat software solution. It allows you to live chat with website visitors, monitor site traffic, and analyze visitors web activities, including their search engine and keyword usage.

Visitors to your web site simply click a Live Help button and are connected with one of your representatives. Your representative then assists the visitor by providing information, links, graphics, or even guiding them through your web site.

ZChat Enterprise offers an on-premises Live Chat Solution. Protect customer data and other proprietary information by ensuring it never leaves your data-center.


When you use cloud services, you entrust a key asset of your company-your real-time business communication archive-to a third party.

Zchat is usually chosen by industries and enterprise businesses who are heavily regulated and need higher levels of security. With Zchat On-Premise solution, all data, (both chat history and website), is stored in your own MS SQL Database, not across the world!

Extract the data at any time, integrate it with your in-house CRM solution, and customize your graphics to have the look and feel of your brand.

Live Chat Software Secure on Your Servers

Zchat runs completely self-contained on your own server. This server can be located on your own premises – behind your own corporate firewall, or you can use an ISP provided dedicated server. You can also use a cloud-based virtual server in the Microsoft Azure or Amazon Cloud services.

The server you use for Zchat does not have to be the same server that hosts your web sites. For larger installations you can load-balance Zchat across multiple servers.

chat online button

The capability for customers to click-to-chat with your agents is the most fundamental feature of Zchat and represents the next generation of e-customer service – a powerful alternative to business-as-usual online. Visitors simply click a button and they easily communicate, live and in real time, directly with your online service agents via text chat.

Real-Time Visitor Monitoring

Real-Time Visitor Monitoring allows you to track visitors as they move through your website in real time. Our Visitor Monitoring application helps you understand traffic patterns and see the complete picture on your website. Visitor monitoring is also the foundation for proactive chat invitations.

Each visitor to your Website is tracked as they move about from page to page. Operators can view every detail about the visitor.

Try ZChat now! Sign up here: http://zchat.com/register.aspx


  • Chat window: A chat with a ZChat operator.
  • Chat window: Embedded Chat.
  • Mobile Console.
  • Real-Time Visitor Monitoring.
  • Login Window
  • In-Page Chat.
  • Chat Box.


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