Zone Pandemic Covid19 Zone Pandemic Covid19

Zone Pandemic Covid19

Created by: Zekinah Lecaros

Downloaded: 779 times

This plugin provides latest data of how many patient(s) are active, confirmed, dead or recovered, in a world, and the continent or country assigned.


  • Updates data every 10 minutes (Not the plugin itself). Which means it is live status of current sitution in the world.
  • Shortcode for every country and shows the data of covid 19 from that country.
  • Shortcode for every continent and shows the data of covid 19 from that continent.
  • Shortcode that provides table for that shows the list of all countries and its data of covid19.
  • Shortcode for the overall total global data that is recorded.
  • Dashboard Widget on the admin area that shows the Global Status of the covid19.
  • Widgets available for Elementor, an alternative for shortcode.


  • [zone-covid19] – Showing the global data cards.
  • [zone-covid19 country="US"] – Showing the data of specific country.
  • [zone-covid19 continent="North America"] – Showing the data card of specific continent.
  • [zone-covid19 country="US,Philippines"] – Showing the data cards of multiple countries.
  • [zone-covid19 continent="North America, Asia"] – Showing the data cards of multiple continents.
  • [zone-covid19-table] – Showing the list of all countries and its data in a table form.
  • [zone-covid19-history-graph] – Showing the historical graph of covid19 cases from the start.
  • [zone-covid19-map] – Showing the world heat map for covid19 cases.

Additional: Add dark="true" if you want a dark mode.

Widgets Available in Elementor

An alternative for shortcode to output the data.

  • Global Status Card
  • Countries Status Card
  • Continents Status Card
  • Table Status
  • History Graph
  • Heat Map

WP-CLI Commands (WP-CLI is required on server)

CLI version to get tabular form of Covid19.

Synopsiswp zn_covid19 <command>
Helpwp zn_covid19 --help
Parameter availablecases, todayCases, deaths, todayDeaths, recovered, active, critical, tests

* display_continent – Show the List of Continent and its Covid Datas
* display_country – Show the List of Country and its Covid Datas
* global – Show Total Global Cases
* version – Show the plugin version


// Displays the list of Continent
wp zn_covid19 display_continent

// Displays the covid19 data of a continent
wp zn_covid19 display_continent 'North America' 

// Displays the cases for today of continent
wp zn_covid19 display_continent 'North America' todayCases 

API used

Feel free to help with development or issue reporting to

Github Repository


  • <p>Plugin home page.</p>
  • <p>Wordpress dashboard widget.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for global data.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for for multiple continents.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for for multiple countries.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for the list of all countries and its data in a table form.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for the Historical Graph.</p>
  • <p>Result of the Shortcode for the World Heat Map.</p>
  • <p>Result of the WP-CLI Command showing the global data.</p>


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